Mirrors: Easy Web App Mirroring with A Single Code Base
Skip painful merge processes, leverage web app mirroring from a single code base, and implement updates across all versions with a single click.
The Way to Build Multiple, Similar Apps Off a Single Code Base
- 1.Build code once
- 2.Mirror multiple times to create variants with web app mirroring
- 3.Manage the multiplied app fleet
- 4.Bulk deploy changes whenever you want that roll out to all variants in your fleet with one click
Reap the Benefits of Building It Right
When your variants derive from a single code base, you can
Make a single change to update every variant at the same time through web app mirroring
Make new variants painlessly and instantly with a single code base
Alter variants for customisation without changing the underlying code base
Deploy variants with one click
Build Better with Mirrors
- 1.The Components of an Application
- 2.Leverage Reusability
- 3.Mirror the Code Base and Only Multiply What You Need To
- 4.Bulk deploy changes to All Your Variants
Open Up New, Bonus Time-Saving Workflows with Divio’s Web App Mirroring
Build in non-production
Test in non-production
Deploy from an identical, post-test production environment
Work with a single code base and roll out changes to hundreds or thousands of variants