Divio's Features: See What's New
Welcome to the latest updates and features from Divio, your trusted provider of cloud management and infrastructure services. Explore our newest additions, designed to enhance your web application security and streamline your operations.
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Control Panel changes in February
Fixed minor UI bug with date picker active bar being slightly off in logs
Fixed visual bug with selecting long environment names in logs
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Control Panel changes in January
New features & improvements
Improved metrics display of data when there are sharp drops.
Added documentation about how to use WebSockets.
Fixed Java examples within our getting started documentation.
Fixed dismiss all notifications button being always focusable.
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Control Panel changes in December
New features & improvements
Added Two Factor Authentication (2FA).
Added a backup restore view.
Improved detail view of backups with extra info and added a progress bar to the backup listing.
Added link to security directly from user dropdown.
Moved application actions to their own panel.
Improved celery documentation.
Fixed a bug with ctrl/shift clicking on menu items.
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Control Panel changes in November
New features & improvements
Added an IAM endpoint to query the list of registered credentials (password, otp, recovery codes).
Added an IAM endpoint to delete a registered credential.
Moved the
field from the user details to the credentials endpoint.
New version of the Divio CLI is now available
Bug fixes
Updated a couple of help texts to avoid confusion.
Added a note to backup restores initiated from the CLI.
Added --binary option when pushing a PostgreSQL database dump.
- CP
Control Panel changes in October
New features & improvements
A refreshed design that improves usability while keeping things familiar.
A new Notification Center with announcements and status updates.
A new Helpdesk with contextual support, documentation, tours, and upcoming videos.
Simplified navigation for applications, organisations, and account management.
New keyboard shortcuts to boost efficiency.
Option to upload custom application screenshots and icons.
Logs are now integrated directly into the content for easier access.
An expandable/collapsible toolbar for a cleaner interface.
Improved experience on small screens for better mobile and compact display use.
Overall faster performance and responsiveness.
Added backup restores view and improved backup restore process to be more intuitive.
Migrated from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.
Improved documentation design in dark mode and added a footer.
Bug Fixes
Fixed the user avatar image being too large in the toolbar.
Fixed a bug with ctrl/shift clicking on menu items.
Adapted MySQL documentation.
Added clarity to sections on Cron Jobs, Domains, and Account Deletion.
Adapted documentation for Backups.
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Control Panel changes in September
New features & improvements
Postgres 15 migration is finished!
Added Astro and Strapi application templates.
Increased maximum number of environments per application from 5 to 6.
Added ability to upload custom screenshots and avatars to applications API.
Added experimental AI search to the documentation.
Bug Fixes
Fixed dropdown positioning error edge case.
Fixed a bug in invoices with missing currency.
Fixed a bug with uploading organisation and user avatars sometimes displaying old images.
Fixed a bug with addon configuration forms.
Deprecations and Removals
Removed flavours implementation.
Removed SEPA integration.
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Control Panel changes in August
New features & improvements
Added "show container IDs" to logs view (in beta).
Improved user interface for logs on mobile devices.
Improved application creation error handling.
Improved app deletion to allow pressing enter to submit the form.
Improved probe timeout user interface.
Improved warning message about deletion an application.
Improved overall Services documentation.
Improved overall Debugging documentation.
Added search engine optimisation documentation for aldryn.io domains.
Renamed "Region" to "Cloudspace" within the overall user interface.
Started limiting Cloudspaces shown on subscription view to the ones available to the current organisation.
Bug fixes
Fixed readability of demo logos in dark mode.
Fixed version dropdown not closing when opening the edit modal.
Fixed services/release commands to be empty when creating a new application without a template.
Fixed anchor links within the Quickstart tutorials.
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Control Panel changes in July
New features & improvements
Postgres 15 migration is underway.
Added a new entry guide for new users to our documentation.
Added a new features section to the documentation.
Added feedback function to the documentation.
Improved debugging documentation.
Bug fixes
Fixed a bug in addons section that crashed the view when searching for unicode strings.
Fixed incorrect message about managing collaborators when using SAML.
Fixed a bug where the maintenance page still showed after a failed migration on a previously broken app.
Lots of internal improvements and minor UI fixes.
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Control Panel changes in June
New features & improvements
We now offer a better onboarding experience for new users with our new "Get started with Divio Cloud" screen and guides.
Multiple environments are now out of beta and are available depending on your subscription.
filters to deployments API v3.Release web container config and startup probe settings as a beta within the application settings.
Improved keyboard accessibility when using the search. Pressing enter opens the first result, and tabbing also selects the first result.
Bug fixes
Fixed a bug preventing email notifications from being sent on maintenance events.
Fixed images in HTML emails that were not rendering properly.
Fixed Swiss phone numbers in email templates.
Fixed environments not being stopped when a website subscription is cancelled.
Fixed some edge cases with tutorial messages.
Fixed an issue with logs where, on dark mode, the line that marks the day was not visible.
Fixed a bug that required creating a new repository every time you went back from the last step of app creation.
Fixed a bug with the infinite redirect loop on sharing view
Fixed a rare bug when "closing" logs wouldn't go away from the logs
Fixed slightly incorrect text on deployment progress.
Fixed an issue where main wasn't used as default everywhere.
New version of the Divio CLI is now available
Bug fixes
Added basic support for Python 3.12.
Fixed GNU readline issues on Windows.
- CP
Control Panel changes in May
New features & improvements
Published new design for docs.divio.com
Added CPU limits to containers based on the subscriptions.
Added transfer domain action for organisation admins.
Add author info to the application addon version view.
Improved environments view performance.
Improved accessibility for charts.
Bug fixes
Fixed an issue with the search overlay clashing with environment variable headers.
Fixed a bug where "Feature not available" would flash briefly while loading the page.
Fixed a bug where quickly opening multiple OAuth popups would result in an infinite loop.
Fixed messages for service management.
Fixed a visual bug where resources would sometimes bleed into the price on the subscription screen.
Fixed a bug in logs where selecting a specific time period would mess with the time selector.
Fixed a bug in logs where changing the time period would not scroll to the end.
Fixed logs to better respect dark mode.
New version of the Divio CLI is now available
Bug fixes
Fixed SSH verification for external repositories during app creation.
Fixed divio app push db validation for local Postgres binary files.
- CP
Control Panel changes in April
New features & improvements
Released new docs.divio.com.
Added new application templates for FastAPI, ASP.NET Core, Laravel, Symfony, WordPress, Drupal and Go.
Made app name selectable in deletion dropdown.
Bug fixes
Fixed the error display if an addon form does not load.
Fixed an issue where environment variables weren't correctly refreshed when an import failed.
Fixed a bug when preloading CSS, which didn't work due to network issues.
Fixed width of frequency input when adding a cron job.
Fixed the "New application" tooltip not showing up.
Fixed a bug where the help dropdown wouldn't correctly close.
Fixed incorrectly rounding up the prices in the cost summary during app creation in the frontend (values were correct in invoices/billing).
Fixed some edge cases when creating an application from templates.
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Control Panel changes in March
New features & improvements
Added new application templates for Next,js, Vue,js, Angular, Svelte, Express, Gatsby, Flask and Rails.
Added GitHub integration for repositories.
Added more information to the SSH Keys views
Improved the performance of the application list endpoint.
Reduced bundle sizes to speed up page loads.
Changed help dropdown menu to open on click instead of hover (to align with the rest of the toolbar).
Stopped closing search if application card was clicked with ctrl / shift / command key pressed.
Minor UI improvements around external links.
Started showing navigation entries behind unavailable features.
Removed actions dropdown from the application list.
Bug fixes
Fixed a glitch in application addons search with input flickering.
Removed possible page reload during app creation when navigating between steps.
Loading details of invoices will no longer degrade the quality of the org avatar in the org switcher.
Fixed a bug where the developer menu item sometimes requires two clicks to open.
Fixed text-shadow on keyboard-shortcuts in dark mode being too bright.
Fixed a bug where we didn't check for repository write access when we should have.
Fixed git URL validation for repositories.
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Control Panel changes in February
New features & improvements
We are soon removing redirects from old
URLs to the new/o/:uuid/edit/:uuid/
format, please update your bookmarks accordingly.Added new application creation with new application templates.
Added Cloudflare Protection for Domains (selectable in the Subscription).
Added missing screen reader title to clear button in the date picker.
Regions can now be changed for mirror applications to regions in the same cloud space.
Improved focus state in dark mode.
Improved caching for countries in some views.
Removed boilerplate support in favour of new application templates.
Bug fixes
Fixed the SSO login redirecting to an inexistant URL on SAML login expired.
Fixed billable service plans not being accessible via application subscriptions.
Fixed incorrect hover state on filter input in dark mode.
Fixed an issue with infinite reload on auth error.
Fixed broken addons filtering on the package_name field.
Fixed an issue where release channels and versions in addons were not the most stable.
Fixed an issue with selecting addon version while search is active.
Fixed an issue with installed addons not appearing installed if the search is active.
Fixed "Copy download url" button always pointing to latest instead of installed version.
Fixed a bug with SSO and external IDP users who were logged out.
Fixed a bug where the UI would keep making requests while the application was deleted.
New version of the Divio CLI is now available
New features
Added tests for environment variables and deployment commands.
Added application creation functionality based on the new application creation approach.
Added support to list and add services to an application.
Added support to list regions.
Added support to list organisations.
Added support for environment prefix to app pull.
Improved exception handling.
Removed support for Python 3.6 (end of life since December 2021).
Added support for Python 3.10 and Python 3.11.
Added the option to keep temporary files for app push and pull.
Added logout command.
Ported addon commands over to v3 APIs.
Removed boilerplate support.
Removed template release commands to confirm prompt in non-interactive mode.
Migrated from
for packaging.Added support for username/password authentication on external repositories during app creation.
Removed usage of the imp module to support Python 3.12 better.
Added support for template services during app creation.
Fixed divio app push for projects hosted on Exoscale.
Switch to docker-compose v2 command invocation.
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Control Panel changes in January
New features & improvements
Improved new authentication system.
Improved account view.
The deployment log will scroll to the bottom now after finishing.
Stopped automatically opening running deployment modal.
Added better status text for running the deployment log modal.
Improved preloading of static assets.
Updated backup download view to not show the error all of the time.
Bug fixes
Fixed a bug in addons with configuration form sometimes not working.
Fixed an issue with an incorrect release channel being shown on the addons listing.
Fixed images not showing up in emails.
Stopped sending emails on download requests when requested by the CLI.
Fixed a bug with deployment progress not always being shown correctly in the favicon.
Fixed a couple of visual issues in invoices.
Fixed a bug in environment variables with "show all" state not being persisted after editing one.
Fixed a bug in environment variables with loader appearing on all environments instead of the one where the variable was moved.
Fixed a bug with the environment label not always being correctly positioned inside a select.
Fixed a bug with the browser back button not correctly going back after visiting a route that has filters (e.g. applications overview).
Fixed a bug with the toolbar not having correct links while everything is still loading.
Fixed a bug with deployment logs sometimes flashing an error.
Fixed wrapping of alert link in payment method message on mobile.
Fixed a glitch when searching in application addons.
Removed useless "Load more" button from installed addons list.
- CP
Control Panel changes in December
New features & improvements
Added improved authentication.
Added support for
environment variable to enable the Divio Addon system.Improved backup view performance.
Improved application previews in dark mode.
Improved Divio SSO authorization.
Bug fixes
Fixed permissions so all addon versions and release channels are readable for an installed addon.
Fixed a bug where the hover state would never be reset on application rows.
Fixed a bug where backup downloads couldn't be downloaded.
Fixed issues related to the new authentication system and Divio SSO.
- CP
Control Panel changes in November
New features & improvements
Improved application addons management UI.
Added search filter for addon and boilerplate management.
Added deployment log progress on a running deployment.
Added service instance environment variables to the service instance detail view.
Added "Delete all SSH keys" button to the SSH Keys section.
Added information when an SSH key was last used.
Added filtering for package names in addons API v3
Added addon upload in API v3.
Added app tags update functionality via v3 app update API.
Added context search to activity.
Added developer toolbar (beta).
Hide away extra built-in environment variables if there are too many.
Improved service instance edit view to have a dedicated URL.
Improved exporting sensitive variables with an additional comment.
Allow environment accordions to close others using shift+click.
Bug fixes
Fixed incorrect highlight on environment variable pattern replacement.
Fixed deployment log scrolling issues.
Fixed default values being cached in some forms.
Fixed empty environment variables not being accepted from the services API.
Fixed an issue with keyboard shortcuts for applications not being enabled.
Fixed git URL validation on repositories.
Fixed permissions so that users can access already installed addons.
Fixed running deployment log being opened on page load and not only when deployment is initiated.
Fixed a bug where links to the addons section from the organisation overview would use incorrect filters.
Fixed a bug where the filter state wasn't fully persisted across the addons section.
Fixed a bug in addons view with the release channel selection not working.