APG|SGA's Digital Evolution with Divio: Shaping Swiss Advertising

For more than a decade, the dynamic partnership between APG|SGA and Divio has been reshaping the Swiss advertising landscape. From pioneering digital transformation to setting new standards in customer experience, dive into their journey of innovation and reliability through our cloud case study.

Placholder for illustration

Top 4 Ways Divio Has Helped APG|SGA



Application orchestration, security, and cloud infrastructure performance consulting that has helped APG|SGA



Supporting APG|SGA's application and cloud requirements with proactive and tailored solutions since 2012



Divio has delivered cloud infrastructure services with 100% uptime on AWS since 2019



Divio supported APG SGA's digital transformation, enabling them to respond quickly to changing markets and consumer demands

  • Partners for Over a Decade

    Founded in 1900, APG|SGA is an established and well-known brand in Switzerland. They are known as the country's biggest out-of-home media advertiser. With over 480 employees, APG|SGA specializes in digital, analog, mobile, and interactive advertising solutions in public spaces.

    Go anywhere in Switzerland and you’ll see an APG|SGA managed outdoor advertising space. They have advertising space on streets and squares, on public transportation, in train stations, at airports, shopping centers, and even in the mountains. 

    The collaboration between Divio and APG|SGA started back in 2012 when Divio was selected to provide cloud infrastructure solutions for APG|SGA's new web presence and web application hosting needs.

    Since then, Divio supported APG|SGA with infrastructure performance optimization, application orchestration, and web application security. For over a decade, APG|SGA has reliably run their web applications through the Divio platform.

  • Digital Transformation is Key

    20 years ago, most public media advertising consisted of traditional posters taped to a billboard. This practice still exists today, but the primary method of reaching advertising audiences is through large screens and interactive advertising via mobile apps. This change in technology has brought with it a change in how clients select and purchase their advertising space.

    With the help of Divio, APG|SGA leveraged advanced cloud infrastructure solutions to transform their sales and customer success processes into digital experiences and remains the dominant player in Switzerland, in part because they were an early adopter.

    Today, with just a few clicks, APG|SGA's customers can easily select the type of media advertising, the ad location, ad display frequency, and ad duration with a few clicks, all according to their budget. Customer orders are processed automatically and at any time of the day or night. Of course, APG|SGA also offers dedicated account management services at one of eighteen locations throughout Switzerland or on-site at a customer’s business premises.

  • Reliable Service Partners

    For modern media advertising companies like APG|SGA, a significant portion of their revenue comes from online sales through their mission-critical web applications. As a result, the accessibility and reliability of web applications is critical. APG|SGA must meet strict service level expectations in order to protect its revenue streams and reputation.

    APG|SGA develops, deploys, and manages all of its web applications using the Divio platform, benefiting from one of the leading cloud infrastructure companies in the industry. Divio's tools and features help APG|SGA's application development partners on a daily basis, including zero-downtime deployment workflows, automatic backup and restore, and logs and metrics. Efficiency and minimal to no service interruptions to web applications are enabled and supported by Divio's many features.

    Another critical aspect of reliability is the underlying cloud infrastructure and choosing a reliable cloud provider. APG|SGA chose AWS from the start. For the past several years, Divio has managed a dedicated, isolated cloud infrastructure for APG|SGA's web applications with a historical uptime of 100%. With Divio's CloudShift cloud migration feature, APG|SGA has the ability to effortlessly deploy their web applications across different cloud vendors or regions with a single click. This increases their independence from a particular cloud vendor or region, thereby improving business continuity.

  • Conclusion

    In a decade-long partnership, Divio and APG|SGA have transformed the Swiss advertising landscape. Divio's expertise as a premier cloud infrastructure company has enabled APG|SGA to lead the market with innovative digital advertising solutions, setting new standards in convenience and efficiency.

    Today, they set new standards in convenience and efficiency, ensuring reliable service and seamless customer interactions. Together, they continue to shape the future of digital advertising in Switzerland.

    You can also check out our series of case studies, including the story of how Girl Effect enhanced their AWS technology through Divio's expert and customized cloud services for nonprofits. Also explore how Divio's expertise in cloud computing in the education sector helped Social Schools improve their SaaS application architecture.


If you’re in the market for a custom cloud solution for your apps, let's talk. We’d love to know how we can help out and make your product the very best it can be.

We’ve worked with Divio for over a decade and they have always been a trustworthy and reliable partner that goes the extra mile.

Alex Hildbrand
Head of Applications – APG|SGA