Top AWS App Deployment Options for Your Business

Discover the power of AWS with scalable, cost-effective options tailored to your needs. From ECS and EKS for container solutions to Elastic Beanstalk for managed platforms, AWS meets the scalability and architectural needs of your application. Find the right AWS service to improve your operational efficiency and transform your application lifecycle!

Joel Burch

Joel Burch


Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers various scalable, efficient, and cost-effective deployment options as well as management capabilities for your application lifecycle. These services cater to different deployment needs, whether you prefer containerized deployments with ECS or EKS, or managed platform deployments with Elastic Beanstalk. 

Choosing the right AWS service depends on various factors such as application architecture, scalability requirements, operational preferences, and familiarity with AWS services. Find out which deployment options suit your needs and how to make the most of your processes.

What is Amazon Web Services (AWS)?

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a comprehensive cloud computing platform provided by Amazon, offering a wide array of services including computing power, storage, databases, machine learning, analytics, and more.

AWS provides a variety of options for provisioning infrastructure and deploying applications. Whether your application is a straightforward three-tier web setup or a complex array of workloads, AWS offers deployment services tailored to meet your application's needs and your organization's requirements.

It enables businesses to access and utilize IT resources flexibly and cost-effectively, paying only for what they use. With a global infrastructure, AWS ensures high availability and reliability, allowing companies to deploy, scale, and manage applications quickly and securely.

Top AWS App Deployment Options

The following sections take an in-depth look at the most popular AWS deployment options.


Use Cases

Key Features


Cloud hosting and management platform offering a unified environment and tools for deployment, maintenance, and scaling of applications.

Businesses seeking a unified deployment and management interface for easy collaboration between developers and operations.

Unified Interface that integrates with multiple cloud services and tools. Supports various programming languages and frameworks. Automated backups and updates.

AWS App Runner

Simplifies the deployment and running of containerized web applications and APIs.

Organizations with limited DevOps resources that need to deploy and scale applications efficiently.

Automated scaling, integrated CI/CD, cost-effective, easy deployment.

AWS Elastic Beanstalk

Simplifies application deployment by handling the infrastructure (servers, load balancers, etc.).

Web applications, API backends, microservices, AWS Node.js deployment.

Automatic scaling, monitoring, integrated developer tools, support for multiple programming languages and platforms.

Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS)

Container orchestration service that simplifies running and managing Docker containers.

Microservices architectures, batch processing, machine learning workloads.

Deep integration with AWS services, support for Docker containers, scalable and secure environment, integration with AWS Fargate for serverless containers.

Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)

Makes it easy to run Kubernetes on AWS without needing to install and operate your own Kubernetes control plane or nodes.

Containerized applications, hybrid deployment strategies, applications requiring portability across environments.

Managed control plane, seamless integration with AWS services, Kubernetes community support, scalability and reliability.


Divio is a cloud hosting and cloud management platform that streamlines the deployment, maintenance, and scaling of applications. It offers a unified environment for both development and production, providing tools and integrations to manage the entire application lifecycle efficiently. Divio focuses on simplifying cloud operations, as it enables teams to deploy and manage applications with minimal friction on one single interface. With Divio, users can deploy applications quickly, scale them as needed, and automate routine tasks such as cloud backup solutions and updates, freeing up valuable time and resources.


  • Intuitive unified interface

  • Works well with various cloud services and development tools

  • Automated processes & backups

  • Collaboration tools

  • Scalability of applications

  • Support for multiple programming languages and frameworks

  • Built-in managed object storage and various databases


  • Even though the interface is intuitive, users might take some time to master all features

  • Advanced users may find limitations in custom configurations

  • The cost might be higher compared to managing cloud operations manually, primarily because you receive dedicated human support, unlike other AWS services

AWS App Runner

With App Runner, developers can deploy applications directly from source code repositories or container registries. The service automatically handles the infrastructure provisioning, scaling based on demand, load balancing, and health monitoring, which ensures that applications are always available and performant. By leveraging cloud infrastructure services, AWS App Runner is designed to make it easy for developers to get their applications up and running quickly, while also providing the robustness needed for production.


  • Fully Managed

  • Automatically scales applications up and down based on traffic

  • Simplifies deployment with minimal configuration

  • Cost-Effective: Pay only for the resources consumed

  • Rapid deployment from source code or container images


  • Less control over the underlying infrastructure

  • Reliance on AWS-specific services make migration to other platforms challenging

  • Restrictive for highly customized deployments

AWS Elastic Beanstalk

AWS Elastic Beanstalk simplifies the deployment and management of applications by automatically handling the underlying infrastructure. Developers can deploy their applications using familiar tools, and Elastic Beanstalk will take care of the rest, including provisioning, scaling, load balancing, and application health monitoring. With Elastic Beanstalk, users can quickly deploy and manage their applications (such as AWS Node.js deployment), without the need to learn about the infrastructure that runs their applications.


  • Simplifies application deployment with minimal configuration

  • Handles infrastructure provisioning, load balancing, scaling, and monitoring automatically

  • Supports multiple languages

  • Allows custom configurations and full control over AWS resources

  • Reduced time to market

  • Automatically scales applications based on demand


  • Limited fine-tuning

  • Initial setup and learning may be required for new AWS users

  • May not be suitable for highly specialized and customized deployments

  • Automatic scaling and management might lead to resource over-provisioning, increasing costs

Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS)

Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) is a fully managed container orchestration service. It simplifies the deployment, management, and scaling of Docker containers and containerized applications on AWS infrastructure. ECS supports two deployment options: EC2 and AWS Fargate. With EC2, you provision and manage EC2 instances in a cluster to run containers. AWS Fargate allows you to run containers without managing the underlying infrastructure, providing a serverless compute option for containers.


  • ECS automatically manages container placement, scaling, and load balancing, ensuring applications can scale based on demand while maintaining high availability

  • Security features such as IAM roles for task execution, integration with AWS Key Management Service (KMS) for encryption at rest and in transit, and VPC networking to isolate containers

  • Provides options for isolating applications and environments using AWS VPC


  • Setting up networking configurations, such as defining VPCs, subnets, and security groups for containers, can be complex

  • Limits on resources and configurations, such as the number of tasks per service or instance types supported

Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)

Amazon EKS is a managed Kubernetes service that simplifies the deployment, management, and scaling of Kubernetes clusters on AWS infrastructure. It provides a secure and reliable platform for running containerized applications using Kubernetes, allowing organizations to focus on application development rather than managing Kubernetes control plane components.


  • AWS manages the Kubernetes control plane, ensuring high availability and scalability

  • Automatically scales Kubernetes clusters based on application demand

  • Seamless integration with AWS services like IAM, VPC, and CloudWatch


  • Requires familiarity with Kubernetes concepts and AWS services for effective cluster management

  • While Kubernetes control plane management is included, costs for compute instances and other AWS services can accumulate based on usage

Choose reliable AWS app deployment with Divio

Take control of your AWS app deployment with Divio's powerful platform and elevate your applications on a single, unified interface. Divio allows you to effortlessly develop, deploy, run, and maintain containerized web applications in your AWS account. Empower your team to focus on innovation and development rather than routine tasks.